Week 14: Looking Back, Looking Forward

Quinn WarnickWeekly Updates

Even if you didn’t stick to the “green team” and “red team” model in class today, I hope you received (and gave!) some valuable feedback during our final peer critique session of the semester. From this point on, your sole focus in this course should be finishing your Research Project. If there’s anything I can do to help you along the way, please don’t hesitate to ask. If needed, I’ll make time for extra office hours, and I’m always happy to review drafts-in-progress of your work. Just let me know if you need me.

Next week, we’ll spend Tuesday taking stock of what we’ve done this semester and considering ways that this course might be different in the future. We’ll also have some time to discuss expectations for your oral presentations, which will keep us busy during our final two class sessions (April 30 and May 5). Speaking of which, if you have a strong preference about which day you’d like to present, please email me ASAP. I’ll do my best to honor your request, but if everyone asks to present on May 5, we’ll draw names out of a hat.

As you work on your presentation, try to aim for 10–12 minutes, and think of this as an early version of a presentation you would give at a scholarly conference. I’m not expecting you to read a paper word-for-word, but your presentation should be well planned and slightly more formal than some of our earlier in-class presentations.

I know that a lot of work has gone into these research projects, and I can’t wait to see your presentations and read your papers. If you’re anything like me, you’re probably feeling stressed out and overextended right now, but don’t give up yet — you’re almost there!